Specifically, Hume, at least to some extent, argued that religious and national hostilities that divided European society were based on unfounded beliefs.
Among the points raised in the charter is that non-religious hostility towards religion is just as dangerous to a democracy as religious hostility towards non-religion or to other religions.
He was accused of promoting religious hatred and was sentenced to four years in jail by for instigating religious hostility.
Because the regulated conduct has some communicative content, a message of racial, religious or gender hostility, the ordinance raises two quite different First Amendment questions.
If both sides would stop taking political advantage from pumping up religious hostility, their problems might sort themselves out.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is deeply divided by ethnic and religious hostility, presents the prospect of new factional violence.
The Social Hostilities Index (SHI) measures acts of religious hostility by private individuals, organizations and social groups.
And there is an Islamist element incubating religious hostility toward America and the West, particularly among disaffected, unemployed Saudi youth.
Anti-Judaism is a manifestation of a religious hostility toward Judaism, based in Christian religious doctrine.
In November 2009 the Verkhovna Rada (the Ukrainian parliament) adopted a law that raised the maximum sentences for crimes committed on the ground of racial, national, or religious hostility.