They gave no clear mandate to any single political force but everywhere vented their anger at incumbents for corruption, inequality, religious discord and a variety of local failures.
Gregory of Nazianzus lamented that the Kingdom of heaven had been converted into the "image of hell" by religious discord.
Earth Justice's brush with religious discord is hardly a workplace anomaly.
Although Kong became a prosperous center of agriculture, trade, and crafts, ethnic diversity and religious discord gradually weakened the kingdom.
The 1995 constitution forbids organizations that seek to stimulate racial, political, or religious discord, and imposes strict governmental control on foreign religious organizations.
When challenged, he berates others for judging what is in his heart and injecting religious discord into an election campaign.
Constantine knew that to receive his crown from Gregory would add fuel to the existing fires of religious discord in the capital.
This is exactly the sort of extremist move that seeks to realize their objectives through creating religious discord.
The magistracy in Tudor Norwich unusually found ways of managing religious discord whilst maintaining civic harmony.
The result was Monothelitism, whose compromise doctrine satisfied neither Monophysite nor Chalcedonian; the religious discord among Christians continued to conflict the Empire.