Travel is nearly instantaneous but very dangerous because of the extremely complex calculations required, compounded by the fact that computers are forbidden by religious decree.
Thousands of scholars issuing contradictory religious decrees would wreak havoc on the industry.
Muslims marry twice: once by religious decree (known as "nikah") and then at the Registry Office.
His taped sermons and religious decrees are reported to have influenced many young people in Saudi-Arabia.
The religious decree solves a longstanding problem in all-girl schools, where women had not been allowed to lead prayers.
He was a harsh critic of Afghan war and opposed those who issued Fatwa (religious decrees) for it.
The man was depicted as a suicide bomber, except the sticks of dynamite around his waist were labeled "fatwas," or religious decrees.
One says they need a fatwa, or religious decree, before they actually proceed.
And fanatical religious leaders have issued religious decrees, or fatwas, calling for the deaths of Saudi liberal intellectuals.
"They said that my research can help change the social stigma attached to these people and clarify religious decrees on the matter."