The issue was not only about religion, although the issue manifested itself in the princely religious autonomy.
This wave of Aliyah had been on good terms with the Persian government, which allowed them religious autonomy.
While the Separatists did acquire significantly greater freedom there, they still lacked the degree of religious autonomy they sought.
The priesthood at the shrine has complete religious autonomy to decide for whom and how enshrinement may occur.
Church groups have leapt into the case, submitting briefs that warn of growing attacks on religious autonomy.
Part of the agreement was a great deal of religious and cultural autonomy to the south.
Tibet's cultural and religious autonomy is being denied.
We will express solidarity with the people who are fighting for their cultural, linguistic and religious autonomy.
The joint motion for a resolution refers to the cultural and religious autonomy of the Tibetan people.
But the Shiites soon demonstrated that they were interested in political as well as religious autonomy.