Scholars began detecting the religious allegories in the plays during the 1930s.
A heady blend of religious allegory and first-contact puzzle story.
Such religious allegory, although not always so overt, continued to be a favorite literary device of Sherwood's.
The manuscript describes the layout of the board as a religious allegory, but it is clear that this was a game based on Hnefatafl.
Yet any given episode might be taken as fact or imagination or religious allegory or all three at once.
It can be read as a religious allegory about sin and redemption.
Palmer asks, "Is it right to tell religious allegories to adults as if they were literal history?"
This time, "The Trial" can be read as political, religious or psychological allegory.
You can take it as a religious allegory or as an overheard everyday conversation.
Subsurface, one feels the working of some sort of religious allegory, about which, at the moment, there's nothing to do but speculate.