What is considered the normal name for the day varies according to geographical area and religious allegiance.
We have reason to fear, that in the near future still greater hardships will befall those who refuse to betray their sacred religious allegiance.
"Realist" analysts of international affairs had neglected these deeply buried religious allegiances during the cold war.
They knew no religious allegiance, which was all I knew, pitifully devoid of detail.
On the contrary, he defends the right of those who wished to change their religious allegiance to follow their inclinations in this matter.
Politics have forced Christian believers to bend their religious allegiances in the past 10 years.
Members are free to maintain other religious allegiances.
Millions of Americans who normally give little public sign of religious allegiance will walk around today with one smudged on the forehead.
But it has been a strict rule that WI members should keep their political and religious allegiance private.
Perhaps for the Americans as much as anyone, it bolstered what could become a fragile hold on their religious allegiance.