This is commonly done to relieve blockages within the trachea.
In the 14 years that I have been using it, it has never failed to relieve my headaches within a couple of hours, depending on severity.
Comment: While expensive, I received relieve within thirty minutes that lasted a full twenty-four hours.
To relieve Berwick town, within the time set by Edward.
The ability of this to relieve tension within the social structure should not be underestimated.
The road was constructed to relieve traffic congestion within the city center, allowing cross-country traffic to bypass the city's downtown area.
Your rescue inhaler (usually albuterol) does not work to relieve your symptoms within 20 minutes.
There is also a downtown loop and four lane bypass in the works to help relieve traffic congestion within the city.
Creep is the permanent movement or deformation of a material in order to relieve stresses within the material.
Their kidneys detect the fluid movement and a physiological reaction causes the humans to need to relieve themselves within two hours of departure from Earth.