The relief was elliptical, about three feet long, and carved with a rudimentary face-a depiction of the West Wind as an angel-like countenance.
She was shown beside her mother in reliefs carved into the Hut-Benben, a temple devoted exclusively to Nefertiti.
The relief is quite flat but finely carved (see the folds of the sails on the ship).
However, I did see a hieroglyphic relief carved into the cave wall farther in.
Parmenion had ridden through these gates only an hour before, but now he stopped to examine the reliefs carved in the stone gateway.
One relief carved in the blocks on the exterior sides of the chapel tells the story of an expedition to Aswan.
Carolingian reliefs carved from ivory (mid-9th century)
Bruenor winked at them knowingly and started right in, but slowed when he saw the runes and sculpted reliefs carved into the walls.
Cameos, miniature reliefs carved in stone or shell, have widespread appeal.
A relief carved on the reverse is the veil of Saint Veronica, showing nails and the Holy Face.