Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
As a result, early decision works best for students who are least reliant on financial aid.
Human technology is reliant upon a group known as the Engineers.
He is still reliant on a substitute drug to get him through the day.
We will be far less reliant on overseas sources of oil.
She is still reliant on live performances to spread her music.
The village economy is heavily reliant on an American oil company.
Doesn't do to get too reliant on that sort of thing.
"She never wanted to be reliant on one person so I think you should find someone else.
The American firm, for example, is less reliant than it was on a single individual talent.
We couldn't have children, but I think that made us even more reliant on each other.
His art work became more reliant on past experiences and the inner life.
The city's economy is heavily reliant on the financial services industry, which has been hard hit by the stock market's problems.
The economy of the area is largely reliant on primary production.
"They have become too reliant on technology telling them what to do.
Many teams are reliant upon a large number of short-term staff.
"They had become too reliant on being a niche player here and there."
The types are thus reliant on each other in their search for understanding.
Therefore, many people not only lost their jobs but also, the social benefits and security that they were once so reliant on.
Teaching people to be reliant on others for opportunity is the problem - not the solution.
Some experts continue to question whether China is too reliant on investment spending.
Why are we now so reliant on the past?
Dependent people become very anxious when left alone because they are so reliant on others.
Rockets are not reliant on the atmosphere and work very well in space.
After September 2009 the site appeared to have become less reliant on such content.
At that time Connecticut's economy was heavily reliant on the defense industry.