MSMQ is responsible for reliably delivering messages between applications inside and outside the enterprise.
But imaginative appeal is what counts with Baxter and in that he delivers reliably.
Professional-quality print resolution reliably delivers crisp, sharp output.
And before you give a disbelieving scoff, this unit will reliably deliver more than 40mpg, which makes it one of the most economical sports cars in the world.
Jason-2 reliably delivers detailed oceanographic data vital to our understanding of weather forecasting and climate change monitoring.
Yet they have proven devilishly difficult to deliver reliably in the chaos and complexity of a hospital.
No military weapon system was able to penetrate deep into enemy territory and reliably deliver the quantity of munitions required to limit the enemy's ability to wage war.
By that, he meant reliably delivering high-definition video to television sets using Internet-based technology.
The Evoco website claims the 10kw turbine has been "specifically designed to reliably deliver high generation performance in harsh wind conditions".
The Mercedes (formerly Cadillac) relationship: I want a prestige product that reliably delivers an expensive label that's unattainable to many.