No relevant technology in 1917 of course.
The affiliate networks provide all the relevant technology to the manufacturers: shopping carts, analytics, and billing systems.
They said Iraq already possessed "remarkable capabilities in relevant technologies - much, however in a state of only partial completeness."
This strategy gives students opportunities to practice 21st-century skills in communication, knowledge sharing, critical thinking and use of relevant technologies found in the workplace.
All those countries evidently had brains of their own (albeit often enriched in Western colleges) but lacked relevant technology.
Much of the craftsmanship and its relevant technologies considered so far is in marked contrast to the most common of artefacts, pottery.
One relevant technology being tested was a low-energy dry drilling instrument designed to probe for water under the Martian surface.
What led to its birth was neither the availability of relevant technology nor the availability of funding, because both were not there.
First of all because, as Mr Amadeo said, the relevant technologies have been greatly improved and are now widely used.
Water resources, methods of exploring water supplies to avoid scarcity, and the development of relevant technologies.