One relevant finding of Abrams' research was that in successful neighbourhood care there were often central figures, key individuals, perceived as critical to the scheme.
What follows are four tenets of the abolitionists' faith, and some relevant findings: The programs don't help much anyway.
We shall reiterate in summary form the relevant findings and evidence.
Participants in whom relevant findings are made get informed about the abnormality and recommendation of the Advisory Board.
The relevant findings of this modeling procedure are summarized in Table 4.
This study apparently incorporates the data and relevant findings of an earlier study conducted by the authors.
The book is made up of papers and reports of relevant experimental findings.
They must receive the best available therapy for their illnesses and be told about any findings relevant to their health.
We describe some relevant findings from papers on plant growth:
The relevant findings for the period 1995 to 2002 are as follows.