The relevant excerpt is available online: "A Working Model".
The relevant excerpt of the German criminal code reads:
Konstantinou asked for the translation papers and leafed through the pages for the relevant excerpt.
David took note, and wrote some linking text, interspersing her own brief prose with relevant excerpts from a wide range of authors known for their writings about the Mediterranean.
Here's the relevant excerpt, quote, "Relatively few of the infected computers, about 4 percent, are in the U.S., according to a report issued by SRI International in March.
The 118-page police dossier on the July 13 incident released in August 2011, a word-searchable 70-page version that only includes the interview reports, and 12 pages of the most relevant excerpt.
These precedents include an exhaustive compilation of procedural rulings and interpretations, accompanied by summaries of the events producing them and often including relevant excerpts from the Congressional Record.
But it was not clear today what the White House meant by "relevant excerpts" or who would be responsible for determining the relevancy of the notes.
The relevant excerpts from other letters are the following:, And Then There Were None (relevant excerpt of The Great Explosion)