When the relevant dimension is not known in advance, they must rely on a more general, multi-dimensional measure of sensory distance.
Immigration has been a relevant political dimension in France's agenda in recent years.
There are three relevant dimensions along which transactions can differ: asset specificity; uncertainty and frequency (Williamson, 1984: 202-7).
One acoustic aspect of the speech signal may cue different linguistically relevant dimensions.
Perhaps if he had married, found someone to share his-but that was another entire dimension of frustration, hardly relevant now.
'Well, seven relevant dimensions actually, in the case of the Reality itself; one of those lines are you listening?'
However, recent research indicates that the mere number of dimensions does not necessarily result in problems, since relevant additional dimensions can also increase the contrast.
Cars that are positioned close to each other are seen as similar on the relevant dimensions by the consumer.
A major factor in this is whether the study sample (e.g. the research participants) are representative of the general population along relevant dimensions.
For applications involving optical wavelengths, the wavelength λ is typically many orders of magnitude smaller than the relevant physical dimensions.