I had been warned about her, the cunning, relentless style.
Known for his hard and relentless running style, Hofer was a fan favorite despite being on poor 49ers teams in the mid to late 1970s.
His relentless style and reliance on statistical analysis rather than a player's experience has not always made him a sympathetic figure to players.
When someone asked about his relentless up-tempo style, Richardson explained.
He has just 3 points this season but is known for his relentless style.
He was known for his dogged, relentless attacking style and has never been knocked down or stopped by a fighter in a professional bout.
Musically, the band are recognisable for a frantic, relentless style, with few songs lasting more than three minutes in length.
He combines deep, powerful ground strokes with a street-fighter attitude that result in a relentless, heroic style of play.
That was about the same time McCarthy decided to replace a halfcourt attack with a relentless pressing/running style.
Nicknamed Devil because of his relentless style, he played during the period before 1947, when blacks were not allowed in the major leagues.