The drawbacks are the relentless demand for billable hours which may leave less time than one would like for a personal life.
Indeed, we should each call our congresspersons and urge them to comply with W's relentless demands for unchecked power.
But the relentless demand for Federal largess, the growth of social insurance benefits and the nation's military buildup long ago overwhelmed the budget cuts.
Water supplies are drying up under the relentless demands of new industries, population and agriculture.
Seventy-eight others Senators also have little second offices in which they are supposed to be able to reflect, away from the relentless demands on their time.
To this of course was added Steinberg's relentless demand for impeccable and dynamic performances.
Some presidents are better than others at handling this relentless demand for a show of personal involvement.
I wonder whether the relentless demand for news and information has added to the demands and workloads of journalists.
However, relentless military demand caused prices to continually increase and by 1865 prices hovered near $190 per head.
"We will see relentless demands from congressional investigators if this is not dealt with appropriately by the Government."