Liliside was relegated to sixth place, giving the win to Special Duty.
Henderson published his results in 1839, but was relegated to second place because of his lack of confidence.
However, Atkins lost the playoff (3 draws, 1 loss) and was thus relegated to second place.
We hope that education is not one of the issues that winds up being relegated to second place.
The issue dominated the meeting and discussion on the ongoing peace process in Cambodia was relegated to second place.
Egypt won again, relegating Belgium to 4th place.
The combined effect was to decimate the Socreds, who were relegated to third place with only seven seats.
She was the clear audience favorite, but was relegated to eighth place.
But she was also aware that no matter how she felt, her family would never allow her to relegate them to second place.
That relegated Desmond Hunt to second place at 54-4 3/4.