A single of Fabulous Body and Smile was released concurrently on a 45 rpm record.
The album was released on CD concurrently with an 144-page hardcover book and 16 color photo cards.
An abridged audiobook version of each story was released concurrently with each book.
The Speech Pack add-on was released concurrently with the game.
A cassette version of the recording, entitled The Album was released concurrently.
It was concurrently released as both a hardcover and paperback novel.
It was concurrently released in two formats on May 15, 1972.
French and English-language soundtracks to the film were released concurrently.
The film was announced on July 15, 2011, with initial cast listings for the film being released concurrently.
A book of the same title was released concurrently with the series.