The oceans are estimated to release 1-2 million tons of bromomethane annually.
It released 40 tons of methyl isocynate, killing 3,000 people and ultimately caused 15,000-20,000 deaths.
In some markets, prices jumped 70 to 135 percent before the Government released 2.5 million tons from grain reserves to calm the markets.
On 22 April, after a two-day bombardment, the Germans released 168 tons of chlorine gas onto the battlefield.
Coal-burning power plants release more than 40 tons of mercury a year, about a third of the total entering the environment.
The water authority releases 30 million tons of clean water from the Liffey reservoir to raise the river to flood level for this event.
The burning of fossil fuels by cars and power plants releases more than 25 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide into the air each year.
The process released many tons of mercury into the Whatcom Creek waterway.
The Soviet Union is releasing 145,000 troy ounces, or six tons, of gold for the project and hopes to raise $100 million in foreign sales.
Marine Corps aviators had flown 7,098 missions and released 17,015 tons.