As the name suggests, the release also saw the mold finally retired.
The film's limited American release saw it take $502,000-$33,441 per theater-in its first two days.
However, the release almost never saw the light of day as the group would almost break up right after they had finished recording.
The single release also saw a video produced with a similarly irreverent take on things.
A second internet-only release of songs saw the light in 2005.
This release has seen him move into the role of producer and engineer.
Their second release saw the band at an average age of just 21.
The release of the game on September 22, 2005 saw two separate editions being made available.
The release of this trailer saw coverage on several industry websites.
At the moment there are no plans of making any new album, but possible single release or two might see the daylight in 2013.