The release prompted what called "a new round of explosive media coverage about the unsolved killings."
The release of the soundtrack prompted a sales increase for the song, reappearing on the chart at number eighty-six.
The release of the delicately worded report, at a morning news conference here, prompted a flurry of political maneuvering.
The release of two others for lack of evidence has even prompted speculation that there was never a conspiracy at all.
The release of the report prompts a public apology from police commissioner Howard Broad.
Each release of bad news about banks prompts quick analogies to 1929.
Clark's release in January 2003 prompted the Attorney General to order a review of hundreds of other cases.
Although first printed in 1928, the release in 1960 of an inexpensive mass-market paperback version prompted a court case.
The released papers were later to become the subject of threatened litigation, and their release prompted eventual rule changes that allowed for document reclassification.
The Cox Report's release prompted major legislative and administrative reforms.