Although a small number of compilations were released on disk, all individual releases were on cassette between £1.99 and £2.99.
The film was also released on disk in the second issue of Wholphin Magazine.
Released again on compact disk with yet more bonus tracks, the album is in its fifth decade as a best seller.
More than 700 titles were released on 3-inch disk from 1987 to 1997.
The game was released on cassette tape and on floppy disk.
Unlike the original game, it was not released on floppy disk for the BBC (as a stand alone release) or converted to any other systems.
MAC/65 was first released on disk in 1982.
It was initially released on disk only.
Among the Philips programs are nine Paramount movies, the first to be released on compact disk.
Ten days ago, EMI released the first four Beatles albums on compact disk.