The release of the movie "Frida" later this year may increase the world's desire to visit here.
Subsequent releases increased their fan base and, after periods of touring, the band established itself within the global garage music scene.
The release of large amounts of energy from the weapons was increasing the temperature in the corridor.
The release of the album and the touring which followed, greatly increased the band's popularity.
This release of dopamine, which is associated with pleasure, is reinforcing and may also increase working memory.
The release of phytoncides increase when a plant is injured.
The release of both these albums increased both national and international appreciation of the band.
The creative release of information to the public is increasing.
Mr. Killen's release, she said, increases "the risk of violence by people who get the message once again that there is no control over them."
While he had thought his hand hurt before, the sudden release of pressure increased his agony exponentially.