In recent years, Yamazaki has been releasing live albums and greatest hits compilations.
As she continued to release hits well into the late 1960s, she also enjoyed an interesting diversion: playing a villain on Batman.
Throughout the 1990s, Nikolovski went on to release several other hits, but none would measure up to the success that he found with "Biser Balkanski".
However, they were not able to regain their momentum, releasing only occasional minor hits.
For example, Disney owns a celebrated library of animated classics that allow it to periodically release older hits with established brand names.
Although the band would continue to release big hits, no following singles reached the top ten, making "Valentine" the final top ten single from the band.
After a brief period off, he returned to the recording studios, releasing several best-selling hits throughout the early 1970s.
Fearing widespread copying, record companies have refused to release hits on the format.
He also released other popular hits including one about Chief Awolowo, who was incarcerated at the time the song was released.
The label began regularly releasing hits through the 1960's.