His plan was to release doves into the air to get people to notice him, but when no one noticed, he changed his plans.
Other protesters released white doves, carried signs reading "Peace Not Planes" and repeated a chant of "Shame" as the T-1's passed overhead.
Michael Moloney said that one white-themed funeral included releasing doves after the ceremony.
I guess that's still better than those people who release doves which then get killed by pylons/other birds/the harsh wild.
The woman said to us "Have you ever thought of releasing doves on your wedding day?"
For many years now, it has also been customary to release white doves at commencement.
Too Cold for Doves The tradition of releasing doves has been scrapped because organizers were afraid the doves might freeze to death.
As in pre-Christian times, on the day of this fest the people release doves and sprinkle water on each other with wishes of health and good luck.
I'm just not sure what this entails if you're releasing doves . . .
Ms. Santillan had wanted to release doves after her wedding to symbolize love and peace.