In 1995, the Republican Congress tried to relax regulations, letting states set their own standards, but it was forced to back down after a huge outcry.
There are pushes to relax American regulations and make it harder to file lawsuits against companies.
The Bush Administration will not try to relax regulations that protect wetlands from development, White House officials said today.
Virginia became the sixth state this year and the 25th overall to relax regulations for those seeking a permit to carry a concealed handgun.
He has made a similar case in opposing efforts by the Republican Congress to curtail the Federal school lunch program or relax environmental regulations.
In addition, many states where Argosy has boats have recently relaxed regulations on their operation, allowing the company to cut costs and increase profits.
Desai (2006) describes the steps taken to relax regulations on linking in 1991:
He has voted against increasing the minimum wage, for relaxing environmental regulations and for denying public education to illegal immigrants.
Representatives of oil, timber, mining, chemical and other industries have actually written much of the legislation to relax or eliminate environmental regulations.
The House version of the legislation would also relax regulations on basic rates, but only after 15 months following passage of a consolidated bill.