Chapter 19 responds to concerns that parties may seek to gain trade advantages by relaxing environmental laws.
The measure, which had bipartisan support, would relax antitrust laws for joint ventures in manufacturing, a condition that already exists in joint research and development projects.
Her party, representing farmers, refused to go along with a plan to relax laws limiting foreign ownership in property, industry, banks and other financial institutions.
House Republicans also propose to relax antitrust laws to make it easier for doctors and hospitals to form networks serving Medicare beneficiaries.
Labour would relax laws on secondary action - but only where an employer transferred work from a plant in dispute to another.
From 1855 to 1864, Muhammad Bey relaxed dhimmi laws, but reinstated them in the face of anti-Jewish riots that continued at least until 1869.
Ankara has already begun to relax laws restricting use of the Kurdish language, but far more needs to be done for an unfairly repressed minority.
The proposal was to relax laws on beer.
It has somewhat relaxed laws for strip clubs compared to the rest of the metro, and several are prominently advertised on nearby I-35.
The Chancellor also underlined plans to cut employment regulations, further relax planning laws and hand £1 billion more to enterprise zones to create private-sector jobs.