It also evaporates quickly and is relatively non-toxic, compared to alternative solvents.
Nitrogen itself is relatively non-toxic, but in high concentrations it can displace oxygen, creating a suffocation hazard.
Europium has no significant biological role and is relatively non-toxic compared to other heavy metals.
An early toxicological characterization classified palytoxin as "relatively non-toxic" after intragastric administration to rats.
Because cerium is relatively non-toxic, they serve as an "environmentally friendly" alternative to other organometallic reagents.
It is relatively non-toxic, hepatoprotective, and exhibits antitumor and antiviral properties.
A widely used solution is to use enzymes which are able to convert a relatively non-toxic prodrug precursor into the active drug form(s).
They become relatively non-toxic after approximately a month since at this point, the lacquer has evaporated most of the solvents used in its production.
Because the B subunit appears to be relatively non-toxic, researchers have found a number of applications for it in cell and molecular biology.
They are relatively non-toxic (to humans), stable (to light and air), and effective against a wide range of microbes.