"He also suggested that, should the situation arise, I pronounce him dead, just to prevent any further attacks on him while he lay relatively helpless."
With my other self in command of all external operational systems, I am relatively helpless.
There may even be physicians who are unable to face the trauma of watching the young die - while being relatively helpless in the process.
They are born blind and relatively helpless, although they are able to crawl about after just a few hours.
If the enemy were there, his Amalek-host would be vacant except for the relatively helpless umbra.
Amphibians have soft bodies and thin skins, lack claws, defensive armour or spines and seem relatively helpless.
I hadn't felt so vulnerable and relatively helpless before.
Once the handcuffs were on, Stephanie knew she could drop the pretence - he would be relatively helpless.
We also spend large amounts of time relatively helpless, unable to find or gather food.
Altricial species are relatively helpless at birth and require considerable parental care and protection.