During the atmospheric nuclear weapons testing it was observed that strontium-90 is one of the nuclear fission products with a relative high yield.
Cottage industry - small, locally owned businesses usually associated in fishing with traditional methods and low relative yield.
This means the relative yield of fluorescence can be measured in the presence of background light.
The relative yield of products from pyrolysis varies with temperature.
And relative yields are higher than they were in 1990, when banks were cutting dividends.
There is some disagreement whether a "decline in relative yields from the organic section" was due to a depletion of soil nutrients.
His non-secret: "Investors become too optimistic and too pessimistic - we use relative yields to plug into those excesses."
Following his suggestion, I analyzed the stock market from 1871 to the end of 2002, seeking correlations between the market's relative yield and its subsequent performance.
The fractional yield, relative yield, or percentage yield shows how completely a synthetic procedure worked.
The relative yield of each possible carbonyl is determined by the migratory preferences of the R-groups.