Since people tend to be opinionated about the relative virtues of clear jelly versus whole-berry sauce, the Green Briar offers both.
Get most US food-lovers into conversation about it and they'll bang on for hours about the relative virtues of the different styles.
Also, be aware that this happy state of reward for only relative virtue will not continue indefinitely.
We cannot quite credit so great a discrepancy in relative human virtue.
There remains some debate over the relative virtues of the knapsack for city living.
Senators nearly come to blows over the relative virtues of their states' farm products or industrial prowesses.
Instead, they symbolize the subject of Mr. Frank's work on the psychology and utility of spending and the relative virtues of public and private consumption.
In the long-standing debate over the relative virtues of precise, restrained pianism versus impassioned, idiosyncratic playing, she is the current leader of the free-spirit camp.
Choose one who measures both of your feet and can discuss the relative virtues of materials and shoe construction.
But relative virtue is not good enough.