One notable fact about St. Clair is its relative shortness for a major concession street.
But all her birdies and eagles resulted from the relative shortness of Stonebridge in contrast to Colonial's much more demanding length.
However, it was also complimented for its succinctness and relative shortness, considering that most autobiographies of the time were much longer.
Younger children are more prone to VUR because of the relative shortness of the submucosal ureters.
Whatever the full explanation for America's stature deficit, our relative shortness, like our low life expectancy, suggests that something is amiss with our way of life.
Because of the relative shortness of time in which a student is a member of the college, great emphasis is placed on pastoral care.
The winter fur differs from that of other martens by its relative shortness, its harshness and its lustre.
Due to the relative shortness of the branch, the main use of the line was for grain haulage rather than passengers.
The relative shortness of the recovery here may even bode well if there is another economic downturn.
Obviously, longa means 'long', and the rest rarely indicate relative shortness.