The drawback is that in case of bankruptcy, the owner will be held liable for their relative share of any debt.
"Losing relative shares in a more competitive, dynamically expanding market while increasing absolute volume is a perfectly natural process."
Apart the monopoly on insurance, after 1946 the State gradually raised the relative share of compulsory (by law) insurance.
As national economy develops, the relative share of employment among agricultural industry, and services change dramatically.
The party has a small number of elected local and provincial politicians, but supplies a relative large share of the mayors, which are appointed.
Their relative share in the national composition of Latvia had increased 3.5 times.
The relative shares of most of the remaining industries, however, did not change significantly in the period.
On the other hand, exactly what is a high relative share is a matter of some debate.
Since then, its relative share fell steadily reaching its lowest of 20.15% in 1990-91.
Every effort must be made to greatly increase the relative share of sustainable energy sources.