Depending on the relative quantities used, it may range in colour from bright green to a sludgy orange-brown.
Hunt came to think of reality as a relative quantity - not something absolute that can be left for a while and then returned to.
Thus, the ratio 40:60 may be considered equivalent in meaning to the ratio 2:3 within contexts concerned only with relative quantities.
Since all the quantities involved are relative quantities, invariance mechanics can be thought of as taking relativity theory to its natural limit.
Since Deborah number is a relative quantity, the numerator or the denominator can alter the number.
Entropy change also measures the mixing of substances as a summation of their relative quantities in the final mixture.
All relative quantities can be estimated quite well by you, dear reader.
In other words, is it really that the quality is better, or is the relative quantity of dross the same?
(2) That study compares the relative quantity of pollutants without considering their relative quality.
Many elements are essential in relative quantity; they are usually called "bulk minerals".