The height of the peak is proportional to the relative percentage that it makes up.
In any category we have mentioned the relative percentage of occurrence within the same tripeptide category.
However, the relative percentage of the population that reports a homosexual orientation varies with differing methodologies and selection criteria.
The relative percentages of each can vary widely depending on the situation.
The fact that this area is split between two provinces reduces relative percentages in both provinces.
The site can define the relative percentage of resources to be allocated to each of transactions, demand and batch.
Increased Polish settlement reduced the relative percentage of the Ukrainian population in the city, from around 20% in 1910 to less than 12% by 1931.
The relative percentages "will be fairly accurate, unless some sweeping changes happen," she said.
In fact, in my own country - the smallest in the European Union - the relative percentages are even higher.
Every soil can be classified according to the relative percentage of sand, silt and clay it contains.