The establishment, subsequent reporting, and relative inaction on the recommendations of the Commission should be seen against this background.
The relative inaction means that lawmakers will have to return in the next few months for a special session to deal with unfinished business.
The commitment to social causes derives in part from the sense of guilt many German churchmen still feel over the relative inaction of the churches under Nazism.
Privately, White House aides explain their relative inaction and that of the President by saying that a public campaign would be "inappropriate."
With tiny, inadequate forces, Chodkiewicz nonetheless prevented Swedes from overrunning the entire Inflanty region, helped by a relative inaction of Swedish commanders until 1608.
Through the summer, she maintained her part in the blockade; but, by September, the climate, disease, limited water and food, and relative inaction had taken its toll.
After it was renamed as the SB in 1956, it entered a period of relative inaction during the era of reform instituted by Władysław Gomułka.
During these years of relative inaction Knox made several trips to the northern states as Washington's representative to increase the flow of men and supplies to the army.
The novel's first half takes place sometime during the period of relative political inaction before the great uprising of 1976.
Stafford has little new to say about Churchill's relative inaction after reading the 1941 decrypts on the mass killing of the Jews.