The craft guilds required relatively stable markets and a relative equality of income and opportunity amongst their members to function effectively.
She knew that on Kharemough women enjoyed relative social equality, since their society valued skill and class status more than sheer physical strength.
Payment for personal medical services is offered through a universal health insurance system that provides relative equality of access, with fees set by a government committee.
Overall, women are beginning to surpass men in general educational equality and have achieved relative equality in terms of graduating college with a bachelor's degree.
What really mattered, he felt, was to have a national community based on citizens' political equality, relative economic equality and interdependence.
To anyone bred on the plantation, this must have been a refreshing world of relative equality.
In that regard, the relative equality or inequality of the bargaining positions of the parties is a relevant consideration.
Other tenets of democracy, like relative equality and freedom, are frequently absent in ostensibly democratic countries.