The relative emphasis of these three domains varies from one program to another.
Their relative emphasis depends on the application and the type of information being communicated, and will influence the choice of tools used:
But the shift in the relative emphasis given to collective action in recent years is probably not explicable in this way.
(a) their relative emphasis on these elements.
The song includes several indictments of the British policy on arms, and challenges its relative emphasis compared with social provision.
The relative emphasis on neuroses in female GP referrals is interesting in this context.
How far does the relative emphasis on academic, professional or general courses vary from one part of the system to another?
On the other hand, arguments have raged since the early eighteenth century about the relative emphasis to be placed upon the Second and Third Pillars.
They appreciated relative optimism, moral humanism, relative emphasis on group behavior, and welfare of the society.
A possibly more important question is the relative emphasis that colleges should place on science.