Though this relative deprivation of the benighted outliers may.
Conversely, in motivating individuals to leave or withdraw, relative deprivation of individual rewards is a major influence.
A specific form of relative deprivation is relative poverty.
It can include economic inequality, class discrimination and relative deprivation.
And, if anything, those tastes had been honed by the relative deprivation of his years aboard the Stargazer.
They suggest therefore that greater emphasis be given to housing tenure in evaluating relative deprivation.
And poverty - or what is now termed "relative deprivation" - wasn't a significant cause either.
There is therefore a sense of relative deprivation among Shetlanders.
It might be argued, as it sometimes is by Chinese officials, that they are levelling the playing field after several hundred years of relative deprivation.
Equally, counties such as Cornwall share the relative economic deprivation often associated with parts of the north.