They had a relative balance, with the cavalry having much greater strength offensively than defensively and the infantry the opposite.
Nonetheless, given the relative balance of forces in our favor, it will ultimately be successful.
What is the relative balance of instruments?
In the future history posited by Hegemon, nations and peoples of today are still recognizable, though the relative balance among them has changed.
A population's growth is impacted by the relative balance of variables like mortality, fertility and immigration.
Raw mortality rates could be affected by the relative balance of older and younger people in the population.
The relative balance of these factors has changed over time and is influenced by the type of exchange rate system in operation.
In addition, there has been repeated debate over the relative balance that should be struck between the use of Western and traditional Chinese medicine.
Then there is the question of the relative balance of culture and genes in determining how humans behave.
Hormonal implants kept his body chemistry in relative balance, but the sharp bite of fear was still apparent.