He seemed the likely one to me, and the multiple relationships would underscore that.
And in that regard, the relationship between casinos and celebrities - who can easily earn six-figure deals for one-year endorsement contracts - underscores the steep challenge Washington faces in policing this growing offshore industry.
But the relationship between Ms. Wright and the Clinton White House underscores the way lobbyists, including a new class close to the new President, have maintained their influence.
Mr. Paulson's complicated relationship with Mr. Grasso underscores how the cords that bind the interests of Wall Street firms to the Big Board have frayed.
This push-pull relationship between American and European markets underscores the importance of global diversification for American investors.
The relationship underscores the degree to which New York State has given control of its system to nonprofit providers, who receive more than $5 billion a year in Medicaid money to house and care for developmentally disabled people.
The increasingly volatile relationship of law and religion in the past decade has only underscored the need for continued cultivation of this vital area of interdisciplinary inquiry.
In some communities that have relatively large Japanese populations, like Hartsdale and Scarsdale, the current strained political relationship between Japan and America underscores pre-existing isolationist tendencies in both communities.
Their relationship underscores contemporary issues of gender and class.
This dual relationship of an entity in an ecology of contexts underscores the ecological analogy, with its emphasis on holonic interactions.