His relationships with students transcended the usual chitchat (sometimes awkwardly so) and went right to the heart of the matter.
People magazine 18 years earlier told how that relationship had gradually transcended its steamy early years.
A loving, selfless relationship transcends the notion of partnership and rights.
The relationship has transcended that.
Once a year now we even meet for dinner, confirming that our relationship has transcended our being forced together by circumstances.
The physical relationship between Loyd and his rooster transcended winning or losing.
My relationship with my Creator transcends all that I do.
But many people here believe that the well-established relationship between the cities transcends not only the border but also the current political climate.
Assouline calls her the most important witness to every stage of Simenon's life and takes care to explain how their relationship transcended the usual extramarital affair.
But since the McGreevey announcement, it has become clear that the close relationship between the two men transcended politics.