Their relationship had degenerated into sniping asides and barbed silences that pricked and bit until Pointer thought it miraculous his heart worked at all.
The once relatively smooth relationship between Moscow and Washington has degenerated into something quite prickly, where mutual interests are diverging.
But the reports released Friday provided evidence of how much the relationship between Republicans and Democrats on the committee had degenerated over the past two years.
What had their relationship degenerated into?
The relationship between Sinclair and the republican Carr soon degenerated.
Now their relationship has degenerated so badly that Republicans routinely argue over who has the unsavory task of standing between the two men during photo opportunities.
Initially he intended for MacGraw to play the part of Catherine Stockmann but the couple's relationship had degenerated.
However, the relationship between the two had greatly degenerated by the mid-1950s over several issues, not the least of which was Marshall's steadfast refusal to sign any black players.
But, because of the hostility of Verina, the relationship between the Emperor and the two general degenerated.
Lucas claims he's not sad, just frustrated that his relationship with Bridger has degenerated from what it once was.