But he acknowledged that the company also believed that the hearings could be a public relations debacle.
The incident was widely regarded as an embarrassment and a public relations debacle and showed the alienation felt by many immigrants vis-à-vis the centre-right coalition government.
From the beginning the strike has been a public relations debacle for the club.
Other Republican Party leaders appeared to be distancing themselves from what several have called a political and public relations debacle.
If you two hadn't gotten everybody out, we'd have been looking at a public relations debacle that might have shut us down altogether.
The other solution - planned fire - has become a public relations debacle.
After that public relations debacle, the subsequent turnovers were handled more discreetly.
But that was before the public relations debacle unleashed by the failure by Swiss banks to return Holocaust victims' money to their families.
Prior to release, the Avenger was subject to a public relations debacle.
The Specter-Cheney imbroglio followed a string of Congressional relations debacles this year.