Besides this anti-Semitism, Pipes identifies a second, related strain in Western conspiracist thought: fear of secret societies.
But it seems this effect was only true for several genetically related strains of laboratory mice.
The opening band, Burnt Sugar, fashions a related strain of avant-garde groove.
Furthermore, genetically related strains may be found over wide geographic areas (e.g., California and Colorado).
Bacteriocins are proteinaceous toxins produced by bacteria to inhibit the growth of similar or closely related bacterial strain(s).
Variation in the microbes that cause a particular disease - either between closely related strains or more different types - remains one of the least understood aspects.
The taxonomic history of S. griseus and its phylogenetically related strains have been turbulent.
S. griseus and its related strains have recently been shown to be alkaliphilic, i.e., they grow best at alkaline pH values.
In 2005, a closely related strain was discovered in the Gulf of Mexico.
The study also identified two previously unknown but related strains of Y. pestis that were associated with distinct medieval mass graves.