Two other related proposed rules to implement the 1997 regulatory approach to tissues and cells have already been finalized.
To ensure this legal protection is maintained a set of three related rules govern the procedure of criminal trials.
It follows, and is undisputed, that the "demonstrably related" rule governs referrals as well.
A related rule specifies that former employees cannot be re-employed until after the same amount of time that they were employed.
Under related rules, the club was deducted 10 points in the league.
The "5-second rule" refers to several related rules designed to promote continuous play.
He or she also takes account of the way in which this system of legally related rules, institutions, and practices affects the world.
It is also used in related rules and regulations for the construction of ships.
The restriction on assignment of a cause of action is a related rule based on public policy.
The third aspect relates to investments and related rules, but also to the local conditions for the implementation thereof.