In this case your belief consists of a sensation and an image suitable related.
The maypole and related images appear in a number of popular songs.
There are many related images of dampness, drowning, and boats.
Rien and Marion own a collection of approximately 30,000 blues related images.
What you get with him is a very simple basic statement, and then a multiplicity of related, coherent images within that.
The compelling desire faded, but she was surrounded by too many symbols, each one triggering an explosion of related images.
Eisenstein believed that editing could be used for more than just explaining a scene or moment through a "linkage" of related images.
In the past he was famous for rephotographing photographs, often "ganging" together separate but related images onto single sheets of paper.
She also created a mural-sized calligram (an arrangement of words that creates a related visual image).
The film was rated PG-13 for war violence and related images.