For example, he said, pain can release two related hormones, epinephrine and norepinephrine, which can decrease the flow of blood to the uterus.
Most experts consider androgens (testosterone and related hormones) to play a permissive role.
It is a transmembrane receptor that is activated by a hormone called Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and by a related hormone called IGF-2.
In Addison's disease, the adrenal glands don't make enough of a hormone called cortisol, or less often, a related hormone called aldosterone.
Estrogen is an entire class of related hormones.
Women who began menstruating before age 12 or who continue menstruating past age 55 have a higher risk of breast cancer, probably due to the lifetime exposure to related hormones.
The term "estrogen" is really short-hand for a group of several different but related hormones that perform the functions we normally attribute to "estrogen."
Glucagon belongs to a family of several other related hormones.
Prostate cancer grows when exposed to the male hormone testosterone and its related hormones, called androgens.