Primary education is free, but related expenses, such as uniforms, books and annual school fees are a financial strain on poor families.
It estimated that the cost of its offer and related expenses would total about $300 million.
You must add in fees for anesthesia, operating room facilities, or other related expenses.
Thus, they could receive medical treatment and other related expenses without the wait.
These costs include labour, materials, and other related expenses.
In reality, almost all of the money is used for the presidential candidate's own staff, office, mailings, travel and related expenses.
Congress allotted $79 billion to pay for the war and related expenses this year.
American Airlines, for example, spent some $33,657 per director in 1996 for air fare and related expenses.
The president also cut $192 million from salaries and related expenses at federal agencies.
Furthermore, whiplash accounts for more than $5 billion a year in medical and related expenses.