Nevertheless, studies have shown that its structure appears to be markedly similar to a related enzyme called phosphoglucomutase.
Cellulases and related enzymes in biotechnology.
Streptodornase, a related enzyme often used in combination with streptokinase, helps to dissolve secretions from infections.
Also including the vitamin B)-related enzyme homocysteine.
This process uses N5-methyl tetrahydrofolate as the methyl donor and cobalamin (vitamin B)-related enzymes.
A related enzyme, COX-1, plays a role in protecting the stomach lining.
A second related enzyme - Mia40 - does not appear to be present in P. falciparum.
The MMP family is formed by twenty related zinc-dependent enzymes.
Cobalt is found in vitamin B and related enzymes.
Thiolases are a family of evolutionarily related enzymes.